Are there any rules I should follow to be respectful around Spaniards?

Are there any rules I should follow to be respectful around Spaniards?

A little pre-trip research goes a long way. Here’s what you need to know about etiquette and being respectful in Spain.

Be respectful when visiting churches: casual dress is fine if it’s not gaudy or unkempt. Spaniards object to men going bare-chested anywhere other than the beach or poolside.

When addressing Spaniards with whom you are not well acquainted or who are elderly, use the formal usted rather than the familiar tu.

The word for Mr. is Señor and the word Mrs. is Señora. Remember that the Spanish are very traditional people, so one should always use this title when one is addressing them. Never call a person by their first name, unless that person is younger than you, or you know that person very well.

Personal space in Spain is small, unlike what most other people are used to. If you are talking to a Spaniard and the Spaniard is quite close to you, you should know that this is normal in Spain. You should not back out, because this may me misinterpreted by the Spaniard. Spaniards also speak a lot with their hands. There is no need to copy them with this.

Appearance is extremely important to Spaniards. They dress elegantly, even for casual occasions. You should, too, but not in colors too bright.

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